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Neuroscience Leadership Training: happiness, success, and great science

A week-long program for young computational neuroscience professors to talk about rigorous science, mentoring, lab management, and networking in a stunning retreat setting. Do great science as a community and have fun doing so.

(August 23-30, 2025; Kingston, ON, Canada)


Meet the facilitators

Megan Peters

Megan Peters

Cognitive Neuroscientist at UC Irvine

Megan researches metacognition and perceptual decision-making. As Neuromatch President, she enhances global education in computational neuroscience, building inclusive, scalable learning platforms to break barriers in the field.

Yael Niv

Yael Niv

Psychologist and Neuroscientist at Princeton University

Yael leads the Niv Lab at Princeton, focusing on the neural and computational mechanisms of learning and decision-making. Renowned for her mentorship, she established a comprehensive training program and real-time feedback system for professors.

Patrick Mineault

Patrick Mineault

NeroAI researcher at Amaranth and Advocate for Open Science

Patrick authors the blog, writes on reproducible research and lab culture, and develops resources for open science. He’s creating a book to guide labs in collaborative, data-sharing practices.

Hannah Bayer

Hannah Bayer

Neuroscientist at Columbia and Editor

Hannah, a former editor at Nature Neuroscience, advances open science and collaboration. As Project Director at Columbia and Director of the International Brain Laboratory, she fosters groundbreaking neuroscience initiatives and promotes reproducibility.

Meet the hosts

Gunnar Blohm

Gunnar Blohm

Computational Neuroscientist at Queen's University

Gunnar focuses on understanding the neural mechanisms of sensorimotor integration and control. He has co-taught the in-person summer school CoSMo for seven years, has co-founded Neuromatch, and is dedicated to advancing neuroscience education through interactive and participatory learning methods.

Konrad Kording

Konrad Körding

Bioengineer and Computational Neuroscientist at U Penn

Konrad's interdisciplinary research spans computational neuroscience, machine learning, and data science. Dr. Kording is particularly interested in neuroAI and Causality as well as issues of rigor in science. As a co-founder of Neuromatch Academy, he is passionate about democratizing access to high-quality education in computational neuroscience.

About Neuroscience Leadership Training

Dates and deadlines

Join Konrad and Gunnar for a week-long summer program aimed at young professors in systems and computational neuroscience. We will share insights on conducting impactful research, mentoring effectively, navigating administrative tasks, and finding joy in academia.

When we started as assistant professors, we had to pick up, largely by trial and error,  how to do good science, mentor students, navigate the administrative side of our labs, and enjoy ourselves doing so. While we do not have solutions to all these problems, we picked up a thing or two and, above all, made friends along the way who have deep insight into specific aspects of the process. This summer program is aimed at teaching what they know and building a supportive environment within the group and beyond, with a target audience of young professors in systems and computational neuroscience.


Selection process

Participants will be strictly limited to 30 to ensure an excellent instructor to participant ratio. As the organizers, we are confronted with the difficult task of selecting the participants from all qualified applications.

The organizers will evaluate all applications based on the submitted material. We are particularly interested in understanding your motivation for attending this summer school; how it would impact your career and how external referees judge your potential to meet those career goals. In order to ensure that everyone benefits as much as possible from this summer school, we will also take the appropriateness of your educational background into account. The selection of participants will therefore be based upon how much they would benefit from this training opportunity.


Location, Housing and Travel

We will be at the Queen’s University Biological Station (QUBS), a stunning retreat nestled in the natural beauty of Canada. Located about 45 minutes north of Kingston, Ontario, on the UNESCO-listed Rideau Canal, QUBS offers an inspiring environment for collaboration and learning. Conveniently, Kingston is a 2.5-hour train ride from Toronto or Montreal and 2 hours from Ottawa.


Cost will include, accommodation and 3 meals/day (but not travel - that's on you).

Application process

You will need a CV.

Apply here!


Program and Organization

Mode of learning
Our goal is to be maximally personalized: We want to talk about your research, the nature of your lab and what success and fun means to you. We did this at CoSMo and we feel that it can be transformative. The participants are all young professors, and hence learning is much more participatory than in traditional summer schools. Out of this arises a multi-scale program. Lots of one-on-one work with one another in pairs. Wonderful lecturers but again a focus on localized problems with role-playing and small-group work. A beautiful location that allows us to truly engage with one another.

All present lecturers will help in the teaching of all components as possible.

Dates Lecturers Theme
all participants
Learning from one another (what we learned starting our labs). We will share the learnings about good science, networking and community building that have worked in the labs of the participants (and/or their mentors).
Gunnar Blohm
Megan Peters
Konrad Körding
Principles of good science (Building good science principles into lab reality). We will go through the goals of our own science, where we are going, and why, focusing both on the big scale logic of science and the ways of avoiding rigor traps.
Konrad Körding
Hannah Bayer
Abstract workshop (as a way of getting to know one another). We will read, edit, brainstorm, improve, scope abstracts, working on abstracts the participants bring. As part of this we will discover how the world sees us as scientists. And by going through one another's abstracts we will also learn more deeply what everyone is working on. The workshop will contain live editing, small group discussions, and one-one-one components.  Co-taught by Hannah Bayer, a former editor of Nature Neuroscience who played a pivotal role in shaping the journal's content.
Yael Niv Mentorship workshop (as a way of helping our labs be successful and happy). We will think through our mentorship processes. On top of some interactive lecturing,  we will extensively roleplay in small subgroups through difficult situations faced by laboratories and professors. Taught by Yael Niv who has established a wonderful term-long mentorship training program for professors and runs an amazing real-time mentorship feedback system.
Megan Peters
Gunnar Blohm
Management (Managing the Lab and our time, dealing with administration, prioritization).  Topics will include practical aspects of finance, of hiring, of conflict resolution, and of delegation of tasks. We will go through the exercise of making mid-term plans for our labs and improving them with one-on-one and group approaches. Co-taught by Megan Peters who manages 2 nonprofits and has the most organized lab we've ever seen.
Patrick Mineault
Hannah Bayer
Open science and code (How to build a lab culture that produces code that the lab can actually use in the future). We will go through the key ideas on how to interface with an open science system. How can we avoid reinventing the wheel? How can we find data relevant to our interests? How can we collaborate on data and analyses? A lot of this will involve small group collaboration sessions involving experimentalists and theoreticians. Taught by Hannah Bayer, and Patrick Mineault of who wrote an online book on this topic.
Konrad Körding
Hannah Bayer
Paper and Grant writing (How to efficiently write Papers and Grants). We will run a set of sessions on how to structure and write papers and grants. In a way that is targeted to the individual participants. One-on-one feedback, small group discussion, and overall group work on individual writing pieces will be used. Taught by Hannah Bayer, and Konrad Körding whose paper on structuring papers has had more than 1,000,000 downloads.
all Networking (How to network efficiently). The entire summer program is simultaneously a networking program. Working heavily in small groups will enable all participants to deeply get to know one another, as scientists and as people.

Further information


Are you not a professor yet? Check out our friends at Neuromatch academy. Thousands of students, unlimited learning! Brought to you by a highly overlapping team to this summer school.


C4R: Community for Rigor.

Better science every day. C4R acts as co-organizer for this summer school.

Connected Minds - Humanity reimagined with intelligent technologies. Connected Minds funds cross-disciplinary research at the intersection of neuroscience and robotics/AI.



The Queen's University Biological Station (QUBS) offers an ideal retreat location for us. Situated along the picturesque Lake Opinicon, QUBS provides modern amenities within a tranquil natural setting. The Raleigh J. Robertson Biodiversity Centre features a spacious dining hall and a well-equipped seminar room for presentations and discussions. We can unwind by exploring scenic trails, canoeing on the lake, or simply enjoying the peaceful surroundings, fostering both relaxation and intellectual engagement.

Contact Us

Gunnar Blohm

Queen's U, Kingston, ON, Canada

+1 (613) 533 3385
