2017 Summer School in Computational Sensory-Motor Neuroscience
(CoSMo 2017)


We are very pleased to announce the preliminary program below. Lectures will be organized in  themed modules with two or three interacting lecturers. Morning (8:30am-12pm) and afternoon (1:30-5:00pm) sessions will be a mixture of lectures and related Matlab simulation laboratories. In addition, there will be professional development lectures and an introduction to data / model sharing. There will also be a 2-week long project where attendants in small groups can readily apply the newly acquired computational tools to a research project (e.g. re-analyze data from the data base, build your own models, etc...). Attendants will work on those projects during the late afternoons and evenings and will make use of the data / model sharing initiative.

Jul 31 - Aug 4
Gunnar Blohm
Konrad Körding
Paul Schrater

and special guest:
Luigi Acerbi
(1) Overview of sensory-motor computations
(2) Bayesian approaches
(3) Linear systems
(4) Optimal control theory
(5) Optimality and data analyses
Aug 5
Jan Drugowitsch
The Bayesian Brain
Aug 7-8
Reza Shadmehr
Alaa Ahmed
Motor control & learning
Aug 9-10 Dagmar Sternad
From basic insights to clinical applications
Aug 11-12 n/a 2-week project wrap-up

Other activities

Jul 31 (evening)
Konrad Körding Grant writing 101
Aug 1 (evening) Gunnar Blohm
Konrad Körding
Paul Schrater
How-to-model tutorial
Aug 2 (evening) Konrad Körding Paper writing 101
Aug 3 (evening)
Konrad Körding
Paul Schrater
Data / model sharing

All CoSMo lecture material will be available here.

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Social activities

Aside from lectures and laboratory tutorials, there will also be social and professional events. Those will permit the participants to do social networking, discuss potential collaborations, exchange experiences and - most importantly - have informal contact with the lecturers and organizers. These events will include an opening (evening of Jul 30) and closing reception (evening of Aug 12), a weekend outing (Aug 6), as well as daily group breakfasts, lunches and dinners. There will also be organized on-on-one meetings of participants with lecturers of their choice. Details about these activities will be provided in the final program sent to all participants prior to the start of the summer school.