In Spring 2020, due to the Covid-related cancellation of summer schools, we created Neuromatch Academy to teach computational neuroscience worldwide. Links and resources are collected here.
Course materials
- Neuromatch Academy web site
- NMA prerequisites - a list of pre-course self-directed learning resources
- NMA Youtube channel
- NMA data repository on OSF
Press and other materials
- INCF hosting of NMA
- Neuromatch Twitter account
- Nature Machine Intelligence editorial
- Nature story about NMA overcoming Iran sanctions
- Neuromatch Academy Experience - a Medium article written by interactive track students
- Simon's Foundation write-up of NMA by Ashley Juavinett
- Richard Gao's blog post
- Knowing Neurons interview with Dr. Megan Peters about NMA
- NMA receives honorable mentions from BiasWatchNeuro
- NMA Executive Summary paper
- Mark Humphries' 2020 review - mentioning Neuromatch as a positive thing
- Lancet article: "Computational neuroscience with global accessibility"
- SuperDataScience interview of Konrad for NMA 2021
- Building NMA by Patrick Mineault
- NMA The story - by Gunnar
- Queen's FHS feature story about NMA
- Brain Inspired podcast 1 - Machine Learning
- Brain Inspired podcast 2 - Dynamical Systems
- Brain Inspired podcast 3 - Normative models of brain & mind
- For love of neuroscience: The Neuromatch movement - a love letter by Konrad Kording
- NMA student reflections by Joao Araujo
- Neuromatch wins the Neuro - Irv and Helga Cooper Foundation Open Science Prize (international)