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Welcome to the Blohm lab wiki. We're the computational Vision and Kinematics Group (ViKinG) at Queen's University. This is where we will post useful information about lab activities, links to software, tutorials etc.

Lab Philosophy

The number 1 priority of the lab is the well-being of all students and personnel. We encourage communication, work-life balance, and personal growth. The goal is to be happy and stay happy; because a happy scientist is a productive scientist.

As academics, we thrive to grow personally and professionally. Thus, learning, debating and being open minded is at the core of who we are and what we do.

The lab carries out Open Science research. We embrace Open Science principles and all new projects follow Open Science methods.

Lab pictures

October 2020: Gunnar MCing at Neuromatch 3.0 conference
March 2020 lab retreat to Mont Saint Marie, QC.
With special guest: Dominik Endres
January 2019 lab retreat to Le Massif, QC.
With guests: Joe DeSouza and Philippe Lefevre
Lab meeting with Philippe Lefevre (August 2018)
At our January 2018 retreat to Sutton, QC.
tDCS lab picture taken during May 2016 CBC interview