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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
16:19, 30 January 2018 Haith-NIPS2008.pdf (file) 377 KB Mike   1
16:19, 30 January 2018 Kalman filter.m (file) 5 KB Mike   1
16:18, 30 January 2018 KalmanSimulation.m (file) 301 bytes Mike   1
16:18, 30 January 2018 ExplainingAway.m (file) 2 KB Mike   1
16:18, 30 January 2018 (file) 9 KB Mike   1
16:17, 30 January 2018 (file) 9.9 MB Mike   1
16:17, 30 January 2018 (file) 11.94 MB Mike   1
16:17, 30 January 2018 (file) 495 KB Mike   1
16:14, 30 January 2018 KordingRed 2004.mat (file) 14.01 MB Mike   1
16:10, 30 January 2018 CueIntegrationTutorialKW.m (file) 8 KB Mike   1
16:10, 30 January 2018 DataSetDescriptions.txt (file) 888 bytes Mike   1
16:09, 30 January 2018 LoadDreamPaths.m (file) 1 KB Mike   1
16:08, 30 January 2018 LQG Solution.m (file) 3 KB Mike   1
16:05, 30 January 2018 RFanalysis.m (file) 2 KB Mike   1
16:05, 30 January 2018 NNet toolbox.m (file) 4 KB Mike   1
16:03, 30 January 2018 GradientDescent.m (file) 2 KB Mike   1
15:38, 30 January 2018 Kording Bayes integrate sensorimotor learn 2004.pdf (file) 270 KB Mike   1
15:38, 30 January 2018 Cosmo2schrater.pdf (file) 11.31 MB Mike   1
15:37, 30 January 2018 COSMOlecturesprs-motint.pdf (file) 4.54 MB Mike   1
20:54, 23 January 2018 COSMOlecturesmsl-VIII.pdf (file) 8.88 MB Mike   1
20:53, 23 January 2018 Cosmolecturesmsl-I-IV 23 38.pdf (file) 15.75 MB Mike   1
20:53, 23 January 2018 Cosmolecturesmsl-I-IV 1 22.pdf (file) 11.18 MB Mike   1
20:52, 23 January 2018 COSMOsyllabus.pdf (file) 55 KB Mike   1
20:52, 23 January 2018 Cueint.pdf (file) 2.61 MB Mike   1
18:42, 23 January 2018 LQR and Kalman Filtering Tutorial.pdf (file) 1.27 MB Mike   1
18:42, 23 January 2018 RFanalysis.txt (file) 2 KB Mike   1
18:41, 23 January 2018 NNet toolboxR2010.txt (file) 4 KB Mike   1
18:39, 23 January 2018 GradientDescent.txt (file) 2 KB Mike   2
18:19, 23 January 2018 2012-08-CoSoMo-2-SensoryIntegration-and-Learning.pdf (file) 7.06 MB Mike   1
18:19, 23 January 2018 2012-08-CoSoMo-1-NeuralCircuits-and-Behavior.pdf (file) 11.52 MB Mike   1
18:19, 23 January 2018 Sensory-motor-Blohm-2.pdf (file) 1.68 MB Mike   1
18:19, 23 January 2018 Sensory-motor-Blohm-1.pdf (file) 4.53 MB Mike   1
18:04, 23 January 2018 Ben BowTie.jpg (file) 49 KB Mike   1
13:37, 26 September 2017 JC Sept 11.pdf (file) 1.64 MB Brandon   1
17:14, 31 August 2017 Journal Club Aug 30 2017.pdf (file) 1,008 KB Jonathan Shmuelof and Krakauer, 2011. Are we ready for a natural history of motor learning. 1
14:14, 6 April 2017 Canada-git-presentation Dmytro.pdf (file) 386 KB Gunnar   1
15:55, 12 December 2016 Latin square Method.pdf (file) 260 KB Parisa   1
21:39, 5 October 2016 CurveFit (file) 18 KB Jerry   1
21:38, 5 October 2016 Curve Fitting.pdf (file) 1.29 MB Jerry   1
19:13, 27 June 2016 Deep Belief Network Home (2).pdf (file) 636 KB Parisa   1
19:31, 21 June 2016 EM algorithm.pdf (file) 1.57 MB Parisa   1
19:27, 13 June 2016 KalmanFilter.pdf (file) 1.31 MB Josh Josh's talk about Kalman filter. 1
19:28, 6 June 2016 Support Vector Machines (SVM).pdf (file) 1.84 MB Jerry   1
17:36, 24 May 2016 HMM-parisa.pdf (file) 1.37 MB Parisa Hidden Markov Models 1
01:49, 17 May 2016 ML-ANNs.pdf (file) 1.06 MB Scott none 2
18:49, 20 April 2016 LinearRegression.pdf (file) 385 KB Parisa   1
18:11, 18 April 2016 Repeated ANOVA MATLAB.pdf (file) 139 KB Gunnar   1
20:54, 11 April 2016 Intro to PCA and ICA.pdf (file) 529 KB Parisa   1
20:49, 11 April 2016 Intro to PCA and ICA.pptx (file) 333 KB Parisa   1
23:29, 6 April 2016 Linear Classification.pdf (file) 520 KB Parisa   1
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